Keto Diet

The Ketogenic Diet, or Keto Diet, is a high-fat, low carb diet that can have many benefits if administered correctly. This diet can be beneficial for weight-loss, but it is not intended for everyone. Some people thrive on high-fat/protein diets while others thrive on more of a plant-based diet.

The theory behind the Keto Diet is that by limiting your intake of carbohydrates, your body will switch from using carbs for energy to using fat. This conversion to fat as a fuel source will also allow the body to access and burn fat reserves.

The inherent flaw in many peoples’ approach to the Keto diet is the over-consumption of inorganic, pasteurized dairy from sources that are not grass-fed. Always choose raw, grass-fed, and organic sources whenever consuming dairy to ensure adequate enzyme activity. The focus of an effective Ketogenic Diet should be on high-quality fats from natural plants and flesh foods.

If you are not very selective in the quality of fats, you will spike your triglyceride levels, promote inflammation, create cholesterol damage, and cause thyroid issues. Below will be a list of Keto-friendly baking, condiment, and cooking recipes that use high-quality ingredients.